Public Healthcare Information


Image: 123RF/dolgachov

Working South Africans need to spend more time in bed to increase their chances of living longer, a new study of sleeping habits has found. By skimping on the recommended seven to nine hours' sleep a night, people are potentially shaving years off their life due to chronic illness and disability associated with sleep deprivation, according to the study based on a sample of 658 staff of a local financial services company.

Details and Information as follows:

Date: 6 & 7 September 2019
Fee: R15 5000
Earlybird Fee: R14 000 (Valid until 1 August)

The Basic course will provide you with all the necessary training to enable you to complete simple implant cases. This means cases where the bone has healed and which are not in the aesthetic zone. The course is geared to ensure that you have all the necessary information, so that you walk away with the confidence to place your first implant or improve your current knowledge by ensuring that you are aware of all the most current and up to date treatment strategies.

The lecture topics for this course are as follows:

  • Implant Design and Surfaces
  • Applied Anatomy
  • Implant Radiology
  • Case Selection
  • Treatment Planning & Case Presentations
  • Sterile Technique
  • Basic Surgical Techniques (Including: Sterile Protocol Flap Design Suture Materials Techniques Implant Exposure Implant Prosthodontics including Impression Taking Complications & their Management)

All modules involve hands on training that are done on animal models. The model that is used for this module is a pig jaw and each participant has to raise a flap, create an implant osteotomy and then place an implant. After this they have to modify the soft tissue to simulate an exposure and suture the soft tissue around an abutment. They are also shown impression techniques.

Please note to secure your booking is on proof of payment.

The Implant and Aesthetic Academy
+27 79 814 4441
+27 63 692 1272