Welcome to Meditrader online medical classifieds, and thank you for visiting us. Have a look at these how to pages to help you navigate our website. Our aim is to be an easy to use platform to buy and sell, new or used medical supplies, furniture and equipment.


Click here or on the register links to join Meditrader. You do not need to register to be able to browse and search for items but registration is required to post adverts and contact any advertisers. Fill in the register form and choose between registering as individual or a business user. Business users will be contacted by a business consultant to verify their details. More info on Business to Business here


reg form



All users are required to activate their accounts to enchance site access security. You will not be able to trade until you have activated your account. The activation procedure is simply in place to ensure that your trading partners are who they claim to be, to avoid stagnant 'ghost accounts' and spam posting.



Begin Trading

You are now ready to begin trading! Either by posting your advert, or by using the easy-to-use search tool.
